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Author: GeoWATCH developers
License: Apache 2
Summary: None
Latest version: 0.19.0
Required dependencies: absl_py | affine | albumentations | astropy | blake3 | cmd_queue | colormath | configargparse | dask | delayed_image | distinctipy | einops | fasteners | fiona | fire | fsspec | gdal | geojson | geopandas | girder_client | hydra-core | ijson | imagesize | ipython | jq | jsonargparse | jsonschema | kornia | kwarray | kwcoco | kwgis | kwimage | kwimage_ext | kwplot | kwutil | lark | lark_cython | lazy_loader | levenshtein | lxml | matplotlib | mgrs | monai | more_itertools | ndsampler | networkx | numexpr | numpy | omegaconf | opencv-python | opencv-python-headless | pandas | parse | pillow | pint | portion | progiter | psutil | py-cpuinfo | pygments | pygtrie | pyproj | pystac_client | python_dateutil | pytimeparse | pytorch_lightning | pytorch_msssim | pyyaml | rasterio | requests | rgd_client | rgd_imagery_client | rich | rich_argparse | rtree | ruamel.yaml | s3fs | scikit-image | scikit-learn | scipy | scriptconfig | seaborn | segmentation-models-pytorch | shapely | simple_dvc | simplekml | sqlalchemy | tempenv | text_unidecode | textual | tifffile | timm | torch | torch_liberator | torch_optimizer | torchmetrics | torchvision | tqdm | transformers | ubelt | ujson | utm | xarray | xmltodict | xxhash
Optional dependencies: absl_py | affine | albumentations | argcomplete | autopep8 | botocore | build | cmd_queue | codecarbon | colormath | configargparse | coverage | dask | dataframe_image | delayed_image | distinctipy | dvc | einops | fasteners | fire | flake8 | fsspec | geodatasets | geopandas | girder_client | humanize | hydra-core | imagesize | jsonargparse | jsonschema | kornia | kwarray | kwcoco | kwgis | kwimage | kwplot | kwutil | lark | lark_cython | lazy_loader | mkinit | mmcv | more_itertools | ndsampler | netharn | networkx | omegaconf | openpyxl | parse | perceiver-pytorch | performer_pytorch | pillow | pip | portion | progiter | protobuf | pycm | pycold | pygments | pyqt5 | pystac_client | pytest | pytest-cov | python_dateutil | pytimeparse | pytorch_lightning | pytorch_msssim | reformer_pytorch | requests | rgd_client | rgd_imagery_client | rich | ruamel.yaml | s3fs | s3transfer | scriptconfig | seaborn | segmentation_models_pytorch | setuptools | simple_dvc | tempenv | tensorboard | tensorflow | text_unidecode | textual | tifffile | timerit | torch_liberator | torch_optimizer | torchmetrics | tqdm | transformers | ubelt | utm | wheel | wrapt | xarray | xdev | xdoctest | xmltodict

Downloads last day: 6
Downloads last week: 200
Downloads last month: 376

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09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-100%20%40%60%80%100% Download Proportions of geowatch package - Python MinorDateDownload Proportion
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