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Author: None
License: Apache License 2.0
Summary: Git for data scientists - manage your code and data together
Latest version: 3.59.1
Required dependencies: attrs | celery | colorama | configobj | distro | dpath | dulwich | dvc-data | dvc-http | dvc-objects | dvc-render | dvc-studio-client | dvc-task | flatten_dict | flufl.lock | fsspec | funcy | grandalf | gto | hydra-core | iterative-telemetry | kombu | networkx | omegaconf | packaging | pathspec | platformdirs | psutil | pydot | pygtrie | pyparsing | pywin32 | requests | rich | ruamel.yaml | scmrepo | shortuuid | shtab | tabulate | tomlkit | tqdm | tzdata | voluptuous | zc.lockfile
Optional dependencies: beautifulsoup4 | dvc | dvc-azure | dvc-gdrive | dvc-gs | dvc-hdfs | dvc-oss | dvc-s3 | dvc-ssh | dvc-webdav | dvc-webhdfs | filelock | mypy | pandas | pandas-stubs | pytest | pytest-benchmark | pytest-cov | pytest-docker | pytest-mock | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest-test-utils | pytest-timeout | pytest-xdist | sqlalchemy | types-colorama | types-psutil | types-pyinstaller | types-requests | types-tabulate | types-toml | types-tqdm | typing-extensions | uv

Downloads last day: 61,023
Downloads last week: 372,676
Downloads last month: 1,343,861

With_MirrorsWithout_Mirrors30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of dvc package - OverallDateDownloads
23Null30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of dvc package - Python MajorDateDownloads
23Null30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of dvc package - Python MajorDateDownload Proportion
09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-10010,00020,00030,00040,000 Download Quantity of dvc package - Python MinorDateDownloads
09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-100%20%40%60%80%100% Download Proportions of dvc package - Python MinorDateDownload Proportion
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of dvc package - SystemDateDownloads
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of dvc package - SystemDateDownload Proportion