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Author: Jon Crall
License: Apache 2
Summary: The kwcoco module and cli for image datasets
Latest version: 0.8.3
Required dependencies: delayed-image | gdal | jq | jsonschema | kwarray | kwimage | kwimage-ext | matplotlib | networkx | numpy | opencv-python | opencv-python-headless | packaging | pandas | parse | psutil | psycopg2-binary | pytest-cov | rich-argparse | safer | scikit-learn | scipy | scriptconfig | seaborn | sortedcontainers | sqlalchemy | ubelt | ujson | uritools | xarray
Optional dependencies: affine | colormath | coverage | delayed-image | docutils | flake8 | ijson | jsonschema | kwarray | kwimage | kwplot | kwutil | lark | lark-cython | myst-parser | packaging | parse | pygments | pytest | rich | safer | scriptconfig | six | sortedcontainers | sphinx | sphinx-autoapi | sphinx-autobuild | sphinx-jsonschema | sphinx-reredirects | sphinx-rtd-theme | sphinxcontrib-napoleon | sqlalchemy-utils | timerit | ubelt | uritools | xdoctest

Downloads last day: 199
Downloads last week: 836
Downloads last month: 3,725