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Author: The Hugging Face team (past and future) with the help of all our contributors (
License: Apache 2.0 License
Summary: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow
Latest version: 4.48.0
Required dependencies: filelock | huggingface-hub | numpy | packaging | pyyaml | regex | requests | safetensors | tokenizers | tqdm
Optional dependencies: accelerate | av | beautifulsoup4 | blobfile | codecarbon | cookiecutter | datasets | deepspeed | diffusers | dill | evaluate | faiss-cpu | fastapi | filelock | flax | ftfy | fugashi | gitpython | huggingface-hub | importlib-metadata | ipadic | isort | jax | jaxlib | kenlm | keras | keras-nlp | libcst | librosa | natten | nltk | numpy | onnxconverter-common | onnxruntime | onnxruntime-tools | opencv-python | optax | optimum-benchmark | optuna | packaging | parameterized | phonemizer | pillow | protobuf | psutil | pyctcdecode | pydantic | pytest | pytest-asyncio | pytest-rich | pytest-timeout | pytest-xdist | ray | regex | requests | rhoknp | rich | rjieba | rouge-score | ruff | sacrebleu | sacremoses | sagemaker | scikit-learn | scipy | sentencepiece | sigopt | starlette | sudachidict-core | sudachipy | tensorboard | tensorflow | tensorflow-cpu | tensorflow-probability | tensorflow-text | tf2onnx | tiktoken | timeout-decorator | timm | tokenizers | torch | torchaudio | torchvision | tqdm | unidic | unidic-lite | urllib3 | uvicorn

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