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Author: None
License: The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2019-present, Mauricio Villegas <> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated...
Summary: Implement minimal boilerplate CLIs derived from type hints and parse from command line, config files and environment variables.
Latest version: 4.36.0
Required dependencies: jsonnet | jsonnet-binary | jsonnet-sdist | pyyaml | typing-extensions
Optional dependencies: argcomplete | attrs | autodocsumm | build | bump2version | docstring-parser | fsspec | jsonargparse | jsonschema | omegaconf | pre-commit | pydantic | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-subtests | reconplogger | requests | responses | ruyaml | shtab | sphinx | sphinx-autodoc-typehints | sphinx-rtd-theme | toml | tox | twine | types-pyyaml | types-requests | typeshed-client

Downloads last day: 26,870
Downloads last week: 178,097
Downloads last month: 793,865