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Author: Neuralmagic, Inc.
License: Apache
Summary: Libraries for applying sparsification recipes to neural networks with a few lines of code, enabling faster and smaller models
Latest version:
Required dependencies: click | gputil | matplotlib | merge-args | numpy | onnx | packaging | pandas | protobuf | psutil | pydantic | pyyaml | requests | scikit-learn | scipy | sparsezoo-nightly | toposort | tqdm
Optional dependencies: accelerate | beautifulsoup4 | black | compressed-tensors-nightly | datasets | deepsparse-ent | deepsparse-nightly | docutils | dvc | einops | evaluate | flake8 | gputils | ipywidgets | isort | jupyter | keras2onnx | m2r2 | mistune | myst-parser | nm-yolov5-nightly | onnxruntime | open-clip-torch | opencv-python | openpifpaf | parameterized | pytest | pytest-mock | pytest-rerunfailures | rinohtype | safetensors | scikit-learn | sentencepiece | seqeval | sphinx | sphinx-copybutton | sphinx-markdown-tables | sphinx-multiversion | sphinx-pydantic | sphinx-rtd-theme | tensorboard | tensorboardx | tensorflow | tensorflow-gpu | tf2onnx | torch | torchaudio | torchvision | transformers | ultralytics | wheel

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