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Author: Neuralmagic, Inc.
License: Neural Magic Master Software License and Service Agreement
Summary: An inference runtime offering GPU-class performance on CPUs and APIs to integrate ML into your application
Latest version: 1.8.0
Required dependencies: click | numpy | onnx | protobuf | pydantic | requests | sparsezoo | tqdm
Optional dependencies: accelerate | anyio | beautifulsoup4 | black | datasets | evaluate | fastapi | flake8 | flask | flask-cors | isort | m2r2 | mistune | myst-parser | ndjson | onnxruntime | open-clip-torch | openai | opencv-python | openpifpaf | optimum-deepsparse | pillow | prometheus-client | psutil | pycocotools | pytest | pytest-rerunfailures | python-multipart | requests | rinohtype | scipy | seqeval | sphinx | sphinx-copybutton | sphinx-markdown-tables | sphinx-multiversion | sphinx-rtd-theme | torch | torchvision | transformers | ultralytics | uvicorn | wheel

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