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Author: Jeremy Howard, Sylvain Gugger, and contributors
License: Apache Software License 2.0
Summary: fastai simplifies training fast and accurate neural nets using modern best practices
Latest version: 2.7.18
Required dependencies: fastcore | fastdownload | fastprogress | matplotlib | packaging | pandas | pillow | pip | pyyaml | requests | scikit-learn | scipy | spacy | torch | torchvision
Optional dependencies: accelerate | albumentations | captum | catalyst | comet-ml | flask | flask-compress | ipykernel | ipywidgets | kornia | lightning | ninja | opencv-python | pyarrow | pydicom | pytorch-ignite | scikit-image | sentencepiece | tensorboard | timm | transformers | wandb

Downloads last day: 16,949
Downloads last week: 96,778
Downloads last month: 350,130