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Author: None
License: MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Weights and Biases, Inc. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Softwar...
Summary: A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights & Biases API.
Latest version: 0.16.6
Required dependencies: appdirs | click | docker-pycreds | gitpython | protobuf | psutil | pyyaml | requests | sentry-sdk | setproctitle | setuptools | typing-extensions
Optional dependencies: awscli | azure-containerregistry | azure-identity | azure-storage-blob | bokeh | boto3 | botocore | chardet | cloudpickle | filelock | google-auth | google-cloud-aiplatform | google-cloud-artifact-registry | google-cloud-compute | google-cloud-storage | httpx | iso8601 | kubernetes | kubernetes-asyncio | minio | mlflow | moviepy | nbconvert | nbformat | numpy | optuna | orjson | pillow | plotly | polars | pydantic | pyyaml | rdkit-pypi | rich | sh | soundfile | sweeps | tenacity | tomli | typing-extensions

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