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License: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions f...
Summary: Windfarm operations and maintenance cost-benefit analysis tool
Latest version: 0.9.3
Required dependencies: attrs | geopy | jupyterlab | matplotlib | networkx | numpy | pandas | polars | pyarrow | pyyaml | scipy | simpy | types-attrs | types-python-dateutil | types-pyyaml | types-typed-ast
Optional dependencies: black | isort | jupyter-book | linkify-it-py | mypy | myst-nb | myst-parser | pre-commit | pytest | pytest-cov | pyupgrade | ruff | sphinx-autodoc-typehints | sphinxcontrib-autoyaml | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sphinxcontrib-spelling

Downloads last day: 0
Downloads last week: 70
Downloads last month: 243