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License: Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Project Jupyter Contributors All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitte...
Summary: JupyterLab computational environment
Latest version: 4.3.5
Required dependencies: async-lru | httpx | importlib-metadata | importlib-resources | ipykernel | jinja2 | jupyter-core | jupyter-lsp | jupyter-server | jupyterlab-server | notebook-shim | packaging | setuptools | tomli | tornado | traitlets
Optional dependencies: altair | build | bump2version | copier | coverage | hatch | ipython | ipywidgets | jinja2-time | jsx-lexer | jupyterlab-geojson | jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-cn | matplotlib | myst-parser | nbconvert | pandas | pre-commit | pydantic | pydata-sphinx-theme | pytest | pytest-check-links | pytest-console-scripts | pytest-cov | pytest-jupyter | pytest-timeout | pytest-tornasync | pyyaml-include | requests | requests-cache | ruff | scipy | sphinx | sphinx-copybutton | tomli-w | vega-datasets | virtualenv

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