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Author: Amazon Web Services
Summary: Open source library for training and deploying models on Amazon SageMaker.
Latest version: 2.242.0
Required dependencies: attrs | boto3 | cloudpickle | docker | fastapi | google-pasta | importlib-metadata | jsonschema | numpy | omegaconf | packaging | pandas | pathos | platformdirs | protobuf | psutil | pyyaml | requests | sagemaker-core | schema | smdebug-rulesconfig | tblib | tqdm | urllib3 | uvicorn
Optional dependencies: accelerate | apache-airflow | apache-airflow-providers-amazon | attrs | awslogs | black | build | cloudpickle | contextlib2 | coverage | deepdiff | docker | fabric | fastapi | flake8 | huggingface-hub | jinja2 | jsonpickle | mlflow | mock | nbformat | nest-asyncio | numpy | onnx | opentelemetry-proto | pandas | pillow | protobuf | pyspark | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest-timeout | pytest-xdist | pyvis | pyyaml | requests | sagemaker-experiments | sagemaker-feature-store-pyspark-3-3 | sagemaker-mlflow | sagemaker-schema-inference-artifacts | schema | scikit-learn | scipy | stopit | tensorboard | tensorflow | tox | tritonclient | urllib3 | uvicorn | xgboost

Downloads last day: 881,803
Downloads last week: 5,540,051
Downloads last month: 21,297,332

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23Null30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of sagemaker package - Python MajorDateDownloads
23Null30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of sagemaker package - Python MajorDateDownload Proportion
09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-100200,000400,000600,000800,000 Download Quantity of sagemaker package - Python MinorDateDownloads
09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-100%20%40%60%80%100% Download Proportions of sagemaker package - Python MinorDateDownload Proportion
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of sagemaker package - SystemDateDownloads
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of sagemaker package - SystemDateDownload Proportion