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Author: None
License: MIT
Summary: A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
Latest version: 2.22.1
Required dependencies: backports-tarfile | blinker | certifi | cffi | cryptography | dep-logic | eval-type-backport | exceptiongroup | filelock | findpython | hishel | httpcore | httpx | importlib-metadata | installer | jeepney | msgpack | packaging | pbs-installer | platformdirs | pycparser | pyproject-hooks | python-dotenv | pywin32 | pywin32-ctypes | resolvelib | rich | secretstorage | shellingham | tomli | tomlkit | truststore | unearth | virtualenv | zipp
Optional dependencies: annotated-types | anyio | arrow | binaryornot | blinker | certifi | chardet | charset-normalizer | click | colorama | cookiecutter | copier | dep-logic | distlib | dunamai | filelock | findpython | funcy | h11 | hishel | httpcore | httpx | idna | installer | jaraco-classes | jaraco-context | jaraco-functools | jinja2 | jinja2-ansible-filters | keyring | markdown-it-py | markupsafe | mdurl | more-itertools | msgpack | packaging | pathspec | pbs-installer | pdm | platformdirs | plumbum | prompt-toolkit | pydantic | pydantic-core | pygments | pyproject-hooks | pytest | pytest-mock | python-dateutil | python-dotenv | python-slugify | pyyaml | questionary | requests | resolvelib | rich | shellingham | six | sniffio | socksio | text-unidecode | tomlkit | typing-extensions | unearth | urllib3 | virtualenv | wcwidth

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