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Author: MosaicML
Summary: Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
Latest version: 0.11.0
Required dependencies: azure-identity | azure-storage-blob | azure-storage-file-datalake | boto3 | brotli | catalogue | google-cloud-storage | matplotlib | numpy | oci | paramiko | python-snappy | torch | torchvision | tqdm | transformers | xxhash | zstd
Optional dependencies: alipcs-py | altair | databricks-sdk | datasets | docformatter | docutils | fastapi | furo | gitpython | huggingface_hub | humanize | jupyter | mosaicml-cli | moto | myst-parser | nbsphinx | omegaconf | pandas | pandoc | pre-commit | pyarrow | pydantic | pypandoc | pyspark | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-split | pytest_codeblocks | pyyaml | sortedcollections | sphinx | sphinx-argparse | sphinx-copybutton | sphinx-tabs | sphinxcontrib-applehelp | sphinxcontrib-devhelp | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | sphinxcontrib-qthelp | sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | sphinxcontrib.katex | streamlit | toml | uvicorn | wandb | yamllint

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