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Author: ModelScope team
License: Apache License 2.0
Summary: ModelScope: bring the notion of Model-as-a-Service to life.
Latest version: 1.22.1
Required dependencies: requests | tqdm | urllib3
Optional dependencies: accelerate | addict | albumentations | attrs | av | biopython | bitstring | bmt-clipit | boto3 | chumpy | clip | cloudpickle | control-ldm | datasets | ddpm-guided-diffusion | decord | diffusers | easydict | easyrobust | edit-distance | einops | embeddings | face-alignment | fairscale | fairseq | fastai | fastapi | ffmpeg | ffmpeg-python | filelock | ftfy | funasr | funcodec | fvcore | greenlet | hdbscan | hyperpyyaml | imageio | imageio-ffmpeg | imgaug | inflect | iopath | ipdb | jedi | jieba | kaldiio | kantts | kornia | kwsbp | librosa | lmdb | lpips | lxml | matplotlib | megatron-util | mindaec | mir-eval | ml-collections | mmcls | mmdet | mmdet3d | mmsegmentation | moviepy | msgpack | nerfacc | networkx | nltk | numba | omegaconf | onnx | onnxruntime | onnxsim | open-clip-torch | opencv-python | oss2 | paint-ldm | pandas | panopticapi | parso | pexpect | pickleshare | pillow | plyfile | prompt-toolkit | protobuf | psutil | ptflops | ptyprocess | py-sound-connect | pyclipper | pycocoevalcap | pycocotools | pydot | pygments | pymcubes | pysptk | pythainlp | python-dateutil | pytorch-lightning | pytorch-wavelets | pyvi | pywavelets | rapidfuzz | regex | requests | rotary-embedding-torch | rouge | rouge-score | sacrebleu | sacremoses | safetensors | scikit-image | scikit-learn | scipy | sentencepiece | seqeval | setuptools | shapely | shotdetect-scenedetect-lgss | simplejson | smplx | sortedcontainers | soundfile | sox | spacy | speechbrain | sse-starlette | stanza | subword-nmt | taming-transformers-rom1504 | tensorboardx | tensorflow-estimator | termcolor | tf-slim | thop | timm | tokenizers | torch-scatter | torchaudio | torchmetrics | torchsummary | torchvision | tqdm | traitlets | transformers | trimesh | ttsfrd | ujson | umap-learn | unicodedata2 | unidecode | urllib3 | utils | uvicorn | videofeatures-clipit | wcwidth | yacs | zhconv

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