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Author: Speech Lab, Alibaba Group, China
License: The MIT License
Summary: FunCodec: A Fundamental, Reproducible and Integrable Open-source Toolkit for Neural Speech Codec
Latest version: 0.2.0
Required dependencies: alias-free-torch | editdistance | einops | espnet-tts-frontend | g2p | h5py | humanfriendly | jamo | kaldiio | librosa | local-attention | nltk | oss2 | phaseaug | pypinyin | pytorch-wpe | pyyaml | scipy | sentencepiece | setuptools | soundfile | tensorboard | thop | torch-complex | typeguard
Optional dependencies: black | commonmark | editdistance | espnet-model-zoo | fairscale | flake8 | flake8-docstrings | hacking | jinja2 | jsondiff | mock | nbsphinx | numba | numpy | pycodestyle | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-pythonpath | pytest-timeouts | recommonmark | sphinx | sphinx-argparse | sphinx-markdown-tables | sphinx-rtd-theme | torch | torch-complex | torch-optimizer | torchaudio | torchvision | transformers | wandb

Downloads last day: 16
Downloads last week: 91
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