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Author: Hanjin Liu
Summary: Spectral analysis, simulation and subtomogram averaging of heterogenic cylindrical structures
Latest version: 1.0.0b5
Required dependencies: acryo | dask | impy-array | macro-kit | magic-class | magicgui | matplotlib | napari | numpy | pandas | polars | psygnal | pyarrow | pydantic | pydantic-compat | pyqtgraph | qt-command-palette | qtpy | rich | scikit-image | scipy | superqt
Optional dependencies: cookiecutter | imodmodel | maturin | mkdocs | mkdocs-autorefs | mkdocs-gen-files | mkdocs-material | mkdocs-material-extensions | mkdocstrings | mkdocstrings-python | mrcfile | pyqt5 | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-qt | scikit-learn | starfile | tifffile

Downloads last day: 45
Downloads last week: 599
Downloads last month: 2,791