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Author: None
License: BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2021, hanjinliu All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modificatio...
Summary: Generate multifunctional GUIs from classes
Latest version: 0.7.14
Required dependencies: docstring-parser | macro-kit | magicgui | psygnal | pyside2 | qtpy | superqt | typing-extensions
Optional dependencies: dask | docutils | matplotlib | mkdocs | mkdocs-autorefs | mkdocs-gen-files | mkdocs-material | mkdocs-material-extensions | mkdocstrings | mkdocstrings-python | numpy | pandas | polars | pyqt5 | pyqt6 | pyqtgraph | pyside6 | pytest | pytest-qt | vispy

Downloads last day: 0
Downloads last week: 632
Downloads last month: 2,281