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Author: Vyper Team
License: Apache License 2.0
Summary: Vyper: the Pythonic Programming Language for the EVM
Latest version: 0.4.0
Required dependencies: asttokens | cbor2 | importlib-metadata | packaging | pycryptodome | wheel
Optional dependencies: black | eth-abi | eth-account | eth-stdlib | flake8 | flake8-bugbear | flake8-use-fstring | hexbytes | hypothesis | ipython | isort | lark | mypy | pre-commit | py-evm | pyinstaller | pyrevm | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-instafail | pytest-split | pytest-xdist | setuptools | twine

Downloads last day: 2,358
Downloads last week: 19,848
Downloads last month: 64,038