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Author: Ethereum Foundation
License: MIT
Summary: Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
Latest version: 0.10.1b2
Required dependencies: cached-property | ckzg | eth-bloom | eth-keys | eth-typing | eth-utils | lru-dict | py-ecc | rlp | trie
Optional dependencies: blake2b-py | build | bumpversion | cached-property | ckzg | coincurve | eth-bloom | eth-keys | eth-typing | eth-utils | factory-boy | hypothesis | ipython | lru-dict | pre-commit | py-ecc | py-evm | pytest | pytest-asyncio | pytest-cov | pytest-timeout | pytest-xdist | rlp | sphinx | sphinx-rtd-theme | sphinxcontrib-asyncio | termcolor | towncrier | tox | trie | twine | web3 | wheel

Downloads last day: 2,400
Downloads last week: 71,143
Downloads last month: 184,693