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Author: vLLM Team
License: Apache 2.0
Summary: A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
Latest version: 0.6.5
Required dependencies: aiohttp | blake3 | compressed-tensors | depyf | einops | fastapi | filelock | gguf | importlib_metadata | lm-format-enforcer | mistral_common | msgspec | numpy | nvidia-ml-py | openai | outlines | partial-json-parser | pillow | prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator | prometheus_client | protobuf | psutil | py-cpuinfo | pydantic | pyyaml | pyzmq | ray | requests | sentencepiece | setuptools | six | tiktoken | tokenizers | torch | torchvision | tqdm | transformers | typing_extensions | uvicorn | xformers | xgrammar
Optional dependencies: decord | librosa | soundfile | tensorizer

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Downloads last week: 189,520
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