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Author: Google LLC
License: Apache 2.0
Summary: Please run pip install vertexai to use the Vertex SDK.
Latest version: 1.71.1
Required dependencies: bigframes | google-cloud-aiplatform | pyarrow | ray | tensorflow | torch
Optional dependencies: cloudpickle | docker | explainable-ai-sdk | fastapi | google-api-core | google-cloud-bigquery | google-cloud-bigquery-storage | google-cloud-logging | google-vizier | grpcio-testing | httpx | immutabledict | ipython | kfp | langchain | langchain-core | langchain-google-vertexai | lit-nlp | mlflow | nest-asyncio | numpy | pandas | pyarrow | pydantic | pyfakefs | pytest-asyncio | pytest-xdist | pyyaml | ray | requests | requests-toolbelt | scikit-learn | starlette | tensorboard-plugin-profile | tensorflow | torch | urllib3 | uvicorn | werkzeug | xgboost | xgboost-ray

Downloads last day: 44,376
Downloads last week: 226,386
Downloads last month: 691,535