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Author: Google LLC
License: Apache 2.0
Summary: BigQuery DataFrames -- scalable analytics and machine learning with BigQuery
Latest version: 1.5.0
Required dependencies: cloudpickle | fsspec | gcsfs | geopandas | google-auth | google-cloud-bigquery | google-cloud-bigquery-connection | google-cloud-functions | google-cloud-iam | google-cloud-resource-manager | google-cloud-storage | humanize | ibis-framework | ipywidgets | matplotlib | pandas | pyarrow | pydata-google-auth | requests | scikit-learn | sqlalchemy | sqlglot | tabulate
Optional dependencies: google-cloud-testutils | nox | pandas-gbq | pre-commit | pytest | pytest-mock

Downloads last day: 4,597
Downloads last week: 18,030
Downloads last month: 74,381