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Author: The Synapse Engineering Team
License: Apache-2.0
Summary: A client for Synapse, a collaborative, open-source research platform that allows teams to share data, track analyses, and collaborate.
Latest version: 4.6.1
Required dependencies: async-lru | asyncio-atexit | deprecated | httpx | nest-asyncio | opentelemetry-api | opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http | opentelemetry-instrumentation-httpx | opentelemetry-instrumentation-requests | opentelemetry-instrumentation-threading | opentelemetry-instrumentation-urllib | opentelemetry-sdk | psutil | requests | tqdm | urllib3
Optional dependencies: black | boto3 | flake8 | func-timeout | markdown-include | mkdocs | mkdocs-material | mkdocs-open-in-new-tab | mkdocstrings | mkdocstrings-python | pandas | pre-commit | pysftp | pytest | pytest-asyncio | pytest-cov | pytest-mock | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest-socket | pytest-xdist | termynal

Downloads last day: 8,217
Downloads last week: 58,860
Downloads last month: 287,315