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Author: None
License: MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Adam Dangoor Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal...
Summary: Helpers to use requests_mock and responses with a Flask test client.
Latest version: 2024.8.30.1
Required dependencies: werkzeug
Optional dependencies: actionlint-py | beartype | check-manifest | deptry | doc8 | flask | furo | httpretty | interrogate | mypy | pre-commit | pylint | pyproject-fmt | pyright | pyroma | pytest | pytest-cov | requests | requests-mock | responses | ruff | sphinx | sphinx-copybutton | sphinx-substitution-extensions | sphinxcontrib-spelling | sybil | types-requests | vulture

Downloads last day: 703
Downloads last week: 3,753
Downloads last month: 12,598