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Author: None
License: LGPL
Summary: A basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
Latest version: 1.5.1
Required dependencies: typing_extensions
Optional dependencies: black | flake8 | flake8-cognitive-complexity | flake8-comments | flake8-complex-f-strings | flake8-continuation | flake8-docstrings | flake8-dunder-all | flake8-encodings | flake8-expression-complexity | flake8-function-order | flake8-length | flake8-pep3101 | flake8-rst-docstrings | flake8-string-format | flake8-super | flake8-typing-imports | flake8-use-fstring | hypothesis | lizard | more_itertools | mypy | pre-commit | pygeoif | pytest | pytest-cov | radon | ruff | yamllint

Downloads last day: 1,056
Downloads last week: 22,921
Downloads last month: 118,560