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Author: Roboflow
Summary: With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
Latest version: 0.9.23
Required dependencies: aiohttp | aioresponses | apscheduler | backoff | boto3 | cython | dataclasses-json | docker | fastapi | gputil | networkx | numpy | onnxruntime | openai | opencv-python | piexif | pillow | prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator | py-cpuinfo | pybase64 | pydantic | pytest-asyncio | python-dotenv | pyyaml | redis | requests | requests-toolbelt | rich | scikit-image | setuptools | shapely | skypilot | structlog | supervision | tqdm | typer | typing-extensions | wheel | zxing-cpp
Optional dependencies: asgi-correlation-id | dill | elasticache-auto-discovery | fastapi-cprofile | mediapipe | metlo | orjson | prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator | pymemcache | python-multipart | rasterio | rf-clip | rf-groundingdino | rf-segment-anything | torch | torchvision | transformers | ultralytics | uvicorn

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