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Author: Great Expectations
Summary: A collection of Expectations to validate Semantically Typed Data with Great Expectations.
Latest version: 0.1.0
Required dependencies: arxiv | barcodenumber | blockcypher | coinaddrvalidator | cryptoaddress | cryptocompare | disposable-email-domains | geonamescache | great-expectations | gtin | holidays | ipwhois | isbnlib | langid | lxml | pgeocode | phonenumbers | price-parser | primefac | pwnedpasswords | py-moneyed | pycountry | pydnsbl | pyephem | python-dateutil | python-stdnum | pytz | pyvat | requests | schwifty | setuptools | simple-icd-10 | sympy | us | user-agents | yahoo-fin | zipcodes

Downloads last day: 4
Downloads last week: 13
Downloads last month: 40