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Author: The Great Expectations Team
License: Apache-2.0
Summary: Always know what to expect from your data.
Latest version: 1.3.0
Required dependencies: altair | clickhouse-sqlalchemy | cryptography | google-cloud-storage | jinja2 | jsonschema | marshmallow | mistune | numpy | packaging | pandas | posthog | pydantic | pyparsing | python-dateutil | requests | ruamel.yaml | scipy | snowflake-connector-python | tqdm | typing-extensions | tzlocal
Optional dependencies: adr-tools-python | azure-identity | azure-keyvault-secrets | azure-storage-blob | boto3 | coverage | databricks-sql-connector | docstring-parser | feather-format | flaky | flask | freezegun | gcsfs | google-cloud-bigquery | google-cloud-bigquery-storage | google-cloud-secret-manager | googleapis-common-protos | grpcio | grpcio-status | invoke | moto | mypy | openpyxl | orjson | pact-python | pre-commit | psycopg2-binary | pyarrow | pyathena | pyfakefs | pyhive | pymysql | pyodbc | pypd | pyspark | pytest | pytest-benchmark | pytest-cov | pytest-icdiff | pytest-mock | pytest-order | pytest-random-order | pytest-timeout | pytest-xdist | requirements-parser | responses | ruff | setuptools | snowflake-sqlalchemy | sqlalchemy | sqlalchemy-bigquery | sqlalchemy-dremio | sqlalchemy-redshift | sqlalchemy-vertica-python | teradatasqlalchemy | thrift | thrift-sasl | tomli | trino | xlrd

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