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Author: Emeli Dral
Summary: Open-source tools to analyze, monitor, and debug machine learning model in production.
Latest version: 0.4.19
Required dependencies: certifi | dynaconf | fsspec | iterative-telemetry | litestar | nltk | numpy | pandas | plotly | pydantic | pyyaml | requests | rich | scikit-learn | scipy | setuptools | statsmodels | typer | typing-inspect | ujson | urllib3 | uvicorn | watchdog
Optional dependencies: black | flake8 | fsspec | httpx | isort | jupyter | mypy | pillow | pip-audit | pyspark | pytest | types-dataclasses | types-python-dateutil | types-pyyaml | types-requests | types-ujson | wheel

Downloads last day: 29,298
Downloads last week: 338,231
Downloads last month: 1,392,782