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Author: The Cirq Developers
License: Apache 2
Summary: A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
Latest version: 1.3.0
Required dependencies: cirq-aqt | cirq-core | cirq-ft | cirq-google | cirq-ionq | cirq-pasqal | cirq-rigetti | cirq-web | codeowners
Optional dependencies: asv | black | coverage | filelock | freezegun | grpcio-tools | importlib-metadata | ipykernel | ipython | mypy | mypy-protobuf | notebook | papermill | pylint | pytest | pytest-asyncio | pytest-cov | pytest-randomly | pytest-xdist | qiskit-aer | rstcheck | seaborn | setuptools | twine | types-backports | types-cachetools | types-protobuf | types-requests | types-setuptools | virtualenv | virtualenv-clone | wheel

Downloads last day: 1,794
Downloads last week: 9,907
Downloads last month: 49,055