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Author: nteract contributors
License: BSD
Summary: Parameterize and run Jupyter and nteract Notebooks
Latest version: 2.6.0
Required dependencies: aiohttp | ansicolors | click | entrypoints | nbclient | nbformat | pyyaml | requests | tenacity | tqdm
Optional dependencies: attrs | azure-datalake-store | azure-identity | azure-storage-blob | black | boto3 | botocore | bumpversion | check-manifest | codecov | coverage | entrypoints | furo | gcsfs | google-compute-engine | ipython | ipywidgets | moto | myst-parser | nbformat | notebook | pip | pre-commit | pyarrow | pygithub | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-env | pytest-mock | recommonmark | requests | setuptools | sphinx | sphinx-copybutton | tox | twine | wheel

Downloads last day: 90,029
Downloads last week: 508,031
Downloads last month: 2,591,499