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Author: Google Inc.
License: Apache 2.0
Summary: tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
Latest version: 4.9.7.dev202501220044
Required dependencies: absl-py | array_record | dm-tree | envlogger | etils | immutabledict | importlib_resources | numpy | promise | protobuf | psutil | pyarrow | requests | simple_parsing | tensorflow-io | tensorflow-metadata | termcolor | toml | tqdm | wrapt
Optional dependencies: apache-beam | bs4 | conllu | crepe | datasets | dill | gcld3 | gcsfs | h5py | imagecodecs | jax | jupyter | langdetect | librosa | lxml | matplotlib | mlcroissant | mwparserfromhell | mwxml | networkx | nltk | opencv-python | pandas | pillow | pretty_midi | pycocotools | pydub | pylint | pytest | pytest-shard | pytest-xdist | pyyaml | scikit-image | scikit-learn | scipy | tensorflow | tensorflow-data-validation | tensorflow-io | tf-nightly | tifffile | tldextract | yapf | zarr

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