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Author: Sergey Pirogov
Summary: Python library for throwaway instances of anything that can run in a Docker container
Latest version: 4.9.0
Required dependencies: docker | python-dotenv | typing-extensions | urllib3 | wrapt
Optional dependencies: azure-cosmos | azure-storage-blob | bcrypt | boto3 | cassandra-driver | chromadb-client | clickhouse-driver | cryptography | google-cloud-datastore | google-cloud-pubsub | httpx | ibm_db_sa | influxdb | influxdb-client | kubernetes | minio | nats-py | neo4j | opensearch-py | oracledb | pika | pymongo | pymssql | pymysql | python-arango | python-keycloak | pyyaml | qdrant-client | redis | selenium | sqlalchemy | trino | weaviate-client

Downloads last day: 51,109
Downloads last week: 373,102
Downloads last month: 2,377,421