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Author: None
License: Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions f...
Summary: A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
Latest version: 2.0.2
Required dependencies: click | docutils | myst-parser | pip | sphinx | strictyaml | tomli | typing-extensions
Optional dependencies: alabaster | attrs | babel | backports-tarfile | black | blackdoc | bleach | build | cachetools | certifi | cffi | cfgv | chardet | charset-normalizer | click | click-log | colorama | coverage | cryptography | distlib | docutils | dom-toml | domdf-python-tools | exceptiongroup | fastjsonschema | filelock | flake8 | flake8-pyproject | get-pypi-latest-version | html5lib | identify | idna | imagesize | importlib-metadata | iniconfig | isort | jaraco-classes | jaraco-context | jaraco-functools | jeepney | jinja2 | jsonschema | jsonschema-specifications | keyring | livereload | markdown-it-py | markupsafe | mccabe | mdit-py-plugins | mdurl | more-itertools | mypy | mypy-extensions | myst-parser | natsort | nh3 | nodeenv | packaging | pathspec | pip | pip-tools | pkginfo | platformdirs | pluggy | pre-commit | pycodestyle | pycparser | pyflakes | pygments | pyproject-api | pyproject-hooks | pytest | pytest-datadir | pytest-regressions | python-dateutil | pyyaml | readme-renderer | referencing | requests | requests-toolbelt | restview | rfc3986 | rich | rpds-py | scriv | secretstorage | setuptools | setuptools-scm | six | snowballstemmer | sphinx | sphinx-autobuild | sphinx-paramlinks | sphinx-pyproject | sphinxcontrib-applehelp | sphinxcontrib-devhelp | sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp | sphinxcontrib-jsmath | sphinxcontrib-qthelp | sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | sphobjinv | strictyaml | tornado | tox | tox-gh | twine | urllib3 | validate-pyproject | virtualenv | webencodings | wheel | zipp

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