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Author: None
License: BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2022, skbase Developers All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the follo...
Summary: Base classes for sklearn-like parametric objects
Latest version: 0.12.0

Optional dependencies: black | coverage | doc8 | flake8 | flake8-bugbear | flake8-builtins | flake8-comprehensions | flake8-print | flake8-quotes | isort | jupyter | mypy | myst-parser | nbqa | nbsphinx | numpy | numpydoc | pandas | pandas-vet | pep8-naming | pre-commit | pydata-sphinx-theme | pydocstyle | pytest | pytest-cov | safety | scikit-learn | scipy | sphinx | sphinx-design | sphinx-gallery | sphinx-issues | sphinx-panels | tabulate

Downloads last day: 37,405
Downloads last week: 233,790
Downloads last month: 863,320