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Author: Sanic Community
License: MIT
Summary: A web server and web framework that's written to go fast. Build fast. Run fast.
Latest version: 23.12.1
Required dependencies: aiofiles | html5tagger | httptools | multidict | sanic-routing | tracerite | types-ujson | typing-extensions | ujson | uvloop | websockets
Optional dependencies: aioquic | autodocsumm | bandit | beautifulsoup4 | chardet | coverage | cryptography | docutils | enum-tools | m2r2 | mistune | mypy | pygments | pytest | pytest-benchmark | pytest-sanic | ruff | sanic-ext | sanic-testing | slotscheck | sphinx | sphinx-rtd-theme | towncrier | tox | uvicorn

Downloads last day: 36,262
Downloads last week: 185,856
Downloads last month: 794,923