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Author: None
License: Apache-2.0
Summary: Python library for working with the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specification
Latest version: 1.10.1
Required dependencies: python-dateutil
Optional dependencies: asv | black | boto3 | codespell | coverage | doc8 | html5lib | ipython | jinja2 | jsonschema | jupyter | mypy | nbsphinx | orjson | packaging | pre-commit | pydata-sphinx-theme | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-mock | pytest-recording | rasterio | requests-mock | ruff | shapely | sphinx | sphinx-autobuild | sphinx-design | sphinxcontrib-fulltoc | types-html5lib | types-jsonschema | types-orjson | types-python-dateutil | types-urllib3 | urllib3 | virtualenv

Downloads last day: 2,889
Downloads last week: 49,509
Downloads last month: 210,712