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Author: None
Summary: A programming framework for agentic AI
Latest version: 0.8.1
Required dependencies: asyncer | crewai | diskcache | docker | fast-depends | httpx | numpy | packaging | psycopg | pydantic | python-dotenv | termcolor | tiktoken | weaviate-client
Optional dependencies: anthropic | azure-cosmos | beautifulsoup4 | boto3 | browser-use | cairosvg | cerebras-cloud-sdk | chromadb | codespell | cohere | couchbase | crawl4ai | detect-secrets | discord-py | docling | docx2txt | falkordb | fastapi | fastembed | fix-busted-json | flaml | google-api-core | google-auth | google-cloud-aiplatform | google-genai | graphrag-sdk | groq | huggingface-hub | ipykernel | ipython | jinja2 | jsonref | jsonschema | jupyter-client | jupyter-kernel-gateway | langchain-community | llama-index | llama-index-core | llama-index-embeddings-huggingface | llama-index-graph-stores-neo4j | llama-index-llms-langchain | llama-index-readers-web | llama-index-vector-stores-chroma | llama-index-vector-stores-mongodb | llmlingua | markdownify | matplotlib | mdx-include | mike | mistralai | mkdocs-ezlinks-plugin | mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin | mkdocs-glightbox | mkdocs-literate-nav | mkdocs-macros-plugin | mkdocs-material | mkdocs-minify-plugin | mkdocstrings | mock | mypy | nbclient | nbconvert | nbformat | networkx | numpy | ollama | openai | pandas | pathvalidate | pdfminer-six | pdoc3 | pgvector | pillow | pre-commit | protobuf | pydantic-ai | pymongo | pypdf | pysqlite3-binary | pytest | pytest-asyncio | pytest-cov | pyupgrade-directories | pyyaml | qdrant-client | redis | replicate | requests | ruff | selenium | sentence-transformers | slack-sdk | sympy | telethon | termcolor | together | toml | twilio | typer | uv | uvicorn | webdriver-manager | websocket-client | websockets | wolframalpha

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Downloads last week: 157,266
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