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Author: Wojciech Muła
License: BSD-3-Clause and Public-Domain
Summary: pyahocorasick is a fast and memory efficient library for exact or approximate multi-pattern string search. With the ``ahocorasick.Automaton`` class, you can find multiple key string occurrences at once in some input text. You can use it as a plain dict-like Trie or convert a Trie to an automaton for efficient Aho-Corasick search. And pickle to disk for easy reuse of large automatons. Implemented in C and tested on Python 3.6+. Works on Linux, macOS and Windows. BSD-3-Cause license.
Latest version: 2.1.0

Optional dependencies: pytest | setuptools | twine | wheel

Downloads last day: 25,798
Downloads last week: 260,585
Downloads last month: 1,197,241

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09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-10010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,000 Download Quantity of pyahocorasick package - Python MinorDateDownloads
09-1609-2309-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-100%20%40%60%80%100% Download Proportions of pyahocorasick package - Python MinorDateDownload Proportion
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