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Author: Toni de la Fuente
License: Apache-2.0
Summary: Prowler is an Open Source security tool to perform AWS, GCP and Azure security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensics readiness. It contains hundreds of controls covering CIS, NIST 800, NIST CSF, CISA, RBI, FedRAMP, PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, FFIEC, SOC2, GXP, AWS Well-Architected Framework Security Pillar, AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR), ENS (Spanish National Security Scheme) and your custom security frameworks.
Latest version: 5.4.2
Required dependencies: alive-progress | awsipranges | azure-identity | azure-keyvault-keys | azure-mgmt-applicationinsights | azure-mgmt-authorization | azure-mgmt-compute | azure-mgmt-containerregistry | azure-mgmt-containerservice | azure-mgmt-cosmosdb | azure-mgmt-keyvault | azure-mgmt-monitor | azure-mgmt-network | azure-mgmt-rdbms | azure-mgmt-resource | azure-mgmt-search | azure-mgmt-security | azure-mgmt-sql | azure-mgmt-storage | azure-mgmt-subscription | azure-mgmt-web | azure-storage-blob | boto3 | botocore | colorama | cryptography | dash | dash-bootstrap-components | detect-secrets | google-api-python-client | google-auth-httplib2 | jsonschema | kubernetes | microsoft-kiota-abstractions | msgraph-sdk | numpy | pandas | py-ocsf-models | pydantic | python-dateutil | pytz | schema | shodan | slack-sdk | tabulate | tzlocal

Downloads last day: 2,438
Downloads last week: 15,996
Downloads last month: 58,438

With_MirrorsWithout_Mirrors30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of prowler package - OverallDateDownloads
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23Null30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of prowler package - Python MajorDateDownload Proportion
09-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-1003-1703-24010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,000 Download Quantity of prowler package - Python MinorDateDownloads
09-3010-0710-1410-2110-2811-0411-1111-1811-2512-0212-0912-1612-2312-3001-0601-1301-2001-2702-0302-1002-1702-2403-0303-1003-1703-240%20%40%60%80%100% Download Proportions of prowler package - Python MinorDateDownload Proportion
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Quantity of prowler package - SystemDateDownloads
DarwinLinuxWindowsNullOther30d60d90d120dallDaily Download Proportions of prowler package - SystemDateDownload Proportion