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Author: None
Summary: A Python package and CLI for parsing aggregate and forensic DMARC reports
Latest version: 8.16.0
Required dependencies: azure-identity | azure-monitor-ingestion | boto3 | dateparser | dnspython | elasticsearch | elasticsearch-dsl | expiringdict | geoip2 | google-api-core | google-api-python-client | google-auth | google-auth-httplib2 | google-auth-oauthlib | imapclient | kafka-python-ng | lxml | mailsuite | msgraph-core | opensearch-py | publicsuffixlist | pygelf | requests | tqdm | urllib3 | xmltodict
Optional dependencies: hatch | myst-parser | nose | pytest | pytest-cov | ruff | sphinx | sphinx-rtd-theme

Downloads last day: 517
Downloads last week: 2,623
Downloads last month: 15,899