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Author: None
License: MIT License Copyright (c) 2023 Chair for Design Automation, Technical University of Munich Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associate...
Summary: QECC - An MQT Tool for Quantum Error Correcting Codes
Latest version: 1.8.0
Required dependencies: bposd | ldpc | multiprocess | numba | numpy | pymatching | qecsim | qiskit | qiskit-aer | stim | z3-solver
Optional dependencies: furo | ipykernel | ipython | matplotlib | mqt.qecc | nbsphinx | pybtex | pytest | pytest-console-scripts | pytest-cov | pytest-mock | qiskit | scipy | setuptools-scm | sphinx | sphinx-autodoc-typehints | sphinx-copybutton | sphinx-hoverxref | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sphinxext-opengraph

Downloads last day: 808
Downloads last week: 2,014
Downloads last month: 5,140