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Author: None
License: MIT
Summary: Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
Latest version: 24.12.0
Required dependencies: ansible-compat | ansible-core | click | click-help-colors | enrich | jinja2 | jsonschema | packaging | pluggy | pyyaml | rich | wcmatch
Optional dependencies: ansi2html | ansible-lint | black | check-jsonschema | coverage | docker | filelock | linkchecker | mkdocs-ansible | mypy | pexpect | pip-tools | pipdeptree | pre-commit | pydoclint | pylint | pytest | pytest-mock | pytest-plus | pytest-testinfra | pytest-xdist | requests | ruff | toml-sort | tox | types-jsonschema | types-pexpect | types-pyyaml

Downloads last day: 14,068
Downloads last week: 147,201
Downloads last month: 643,319