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Author: MDAnalysis Development Team
License: ========================================================================== Licenses of components of MDAnalysis ========================================================================== GNU GENERAL...
Summary: An object-oriented toolkit to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories.
Latest version: 2.7.0
Required dependencies: fasteners | griddataformats | joblib | matplotlib | mda-xdrlib | mmtf-python | numpy | packaging | scipy | threadpoolctl | tqdm
Optional dependencies: biopython | chemfiles | gsd | h5py | mdanalysis-sphinx-theme | netcdf4 | networkx | parmed | pybtex | pybtex-docutils | pyedr | pytng | rdkit | scikit-learn | seaborn | sphinx | sphinx-sitemap | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | tidynamics

Downloads last day: 1,159
Downloads last week: 7,480
Downloads last month: 37,623