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Author: Pradeep Rajasekhar, Lachlan Whitehead, Robert Haase, Michael Milton
License: GPL-3.0-only
Summary: Core functionality for analysing and visualizing lattice lightsheet and Oblique Plane Microscopy data.
Latest version: 1.0.0
Required dependencies: aicsimageio | aicspylibczi | click | dask | fsspec | importlib-resources | napari-workflows | npy2bdv | numpy | pandas | pyclesperanto-prototype | pydantic | pyopencl | pyyaml | read-roi | resource-backed-dask-array | rich | scikit-image | strenum | tifffile | toolz | tqdm | typer | typing-extensions | xarray
Optional dependencies: build | fieldz | griffe-fieldz | mkdocs-click | mkdocs-material | mkdocstrings | napari | numpy | pycudadecon | pytest | pytest-cov | tox | twine

Downloads last day: 20
Downloads last week: 157
Downloads last month: 572