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Author: None
License: BSD 3-Clause
Summary: Core components of PySAL - A library of spatial analysis functions
Latest version: 4.12.1
Required dependencies: beautifulsoup4 | geopandas | numpy | packaging | pandas | platformdirs | requests | scikit-learn | scipy | shapely
Optional dependencies: codecov | geodatasets | joblib | matplotlib | myst-parser | nbsphinx | networkx | numba | numpydoc | pandoc | pre-commit | pyarrow | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-mpl | pytest-xdist | ruff | sphinx | sphinx-bootstrap-theme | sphinxcontrib-bibtex | sqlalchemy | watermark | xarray | zstd

Downloads last day: 4,339
Downloads last week: 23,622
Downloads last month: 107,552