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Author: Jean-Luc Stevens and Philipp Rudiger
License: BSD
Summary: Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.
Latest version: 1.18.3
Required dependencies: colorcet | numpy | packaging | pandas | panel | param | pyviz-comms
Optional dependencies: bokeh | cftime | codecov | contourpy | cudf | dash | dask | datashader | ffmpeg | graphviz | ibis-framework | ipython | matplotlib | myst-nb | nbconvert | nbsite | nbval | netcdf4 | networkx | notebook | param | pillow | playwright | plotly | pooch | pre-commit | pyarrow | pyct | pytest | pytest-cov | pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures | pytest-playwright | pytest-rerunfailures | pytest-xdist | ruff | scikit-image | scipy | selenium | setuptools | shapely | spatialpandas | streamz | xarray

Downloads last day: 15,111
Downloads last week: 85,876
Downloads last month: 385,372