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Author: dltHub Inc.
License: Apache-2.0
Summary: dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
Latest version: 1.5.0
Required dependencies: astunparse | click | fsspec | gitpython | giturlparse | graphlib-backport | hexbytes | humanize | jsonpath-ng | lancedb | makefun | orjson | packaging | pathvalidate | pendulum | pluggy | psycopg2cffi | pyiceberg | pytz | pyyaml | requests | requirements-parser | semver | setuptools | simplejson | tenacity | tomlkit | typing-extensions | tzdata | win-precise-time
Optional dependencies: adlfs | alembic | botocore | clickhouse-connect | clickhouse-driver | cron-descriptor | databricks-sdk | databricks-sql-connector | db-dtypes | deltalake | duckdb | gcsfs | google-cloud-bigquery | grpcio | paramiko | pipdeptree | psycopg2-binary | pyarrow | pyathena | pyodbc | qdrant-client | s3fs | snowflake-connector-python | sqlalchemy | sqlglot | tantivy | weaviate-client

Downloads last day: 23,803
Downloads last week: 281,046
Downloads last month: 1,033,360