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License: Crystal Toolkit Copyright (c) 2017, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Ener...
Summary: Crystal Toolkit is a web app framework from the Materials Project allowing Python
Latest version: 2023.11.3
Required dependencies: crystaltoolkit-extension | dash | dash-mp-components | flask-caching | frozendict | mp-api | pydantic-settings | pymatgen | scikit-image | scikit-learn | shapely | webcolors
Optional dependencies: black | dash | dash-extensions | dash-vtk | dephell | dscribe | gunicorn | habanero | hiphive | ifermi | jinja2 | kaleido | playwright | pre-commit | py4dstem | pyfftw | pytest | pytest-playwright | recommonmark | redis | robocrys | sphinx-rtd-theme

Downloads last day: 106
Downloads last week: 256
Downloads last month: 742